So... since I didn't get to the letter to instructors; the following is in place of that letter. I'm hoping the Internet will help me express some things that I would have trouble getting across with text alone...
Dear Instructors,
I hope you looking forward to the start of Island Sail 2007. I can assure you that I am! As July 5th approaches I keep thinking more and more about all the wonderful opportunities that lie ahead. I am confident that this will be a summer of learning and growth for me (my favorite kind of any season). I hope each of you will arrive with a sense of adventure and enthusiasm for what could be and realize that you play the key role in what will be. What will Island Sail be in 2007? Challenging, innovative, fun, rewarding, life-changing... Think about it and we will talk about it on July 5th when we meet.
Below are a couple links to things that get me thinking about being a leader and part of Island Sail. Unique, challenging, inspiring... anyone seeing themes starting to emerging here ;o)
... going beyond the call of duty to get the job done!
A friend of mine sent me a link to this video. It makes me think about how some people have the most interesting jobs... unique roles in life that they sought to create. You don't have to jump out of a plane to be thrilled by life. Maybe your experience at Island Sail will lead to the thrills that shape the rest of you life. A the very least I hope it will shape skills in you that contribute meaningfully to your future.
Rule # 16: Do not play in the surf with the chase-boats.
While some things seem like a good idea at the time... in hindsight some rules make sense. We will hopefully avoid the types of experiences in this video clip (download .wmv).
... dare to dream - take action to make those dreams come true.
Is Island Sail the kind of place where dreams are born and skills to reach those dreams are cultivated? I wonder where the courage to dream in the girl in this video started ... who inspired her attitudes and determination?
... I believe I can fly.
This video just seems to get you in the mood for a day of sailing... and learning from your mistakes. Remember, when in doubt - let it out!

A friend of mine sent me a link to this video. It makes me think about how some people have the most interesting jobs... unique roles in life that they sought to create. You don't have to jump out of a plane to be thrilled by life. Maybe your experience at Island Sail will lead to the thrills that shape the rest of you life. A the very least I hope it will shape skills in you that contribute meaningfully to your future.

While some things seem like a good idea at the time... in hindsight some rules make sense. We will hopefully avoid the types of experiences in this video clip (download .wmv).

Is Island Sail the kind of place where dreams are born and skills to reach those dreams are cultivated? I wonder where the courage to dream in the girl in this video started ... who inspired her attitudes and determination?

This video just seems to get you in the mood for a day of sailing... and learning from your mistakes. Remember, when in doubt - let it out!