I have a few minutes before I need to be in line for the 1:00pm ferry today. Karen and I spent the morning wrapping all the larger sailboats for winter storage. It was the prettiest day of the summer I felt... sunny, cool, with the hint of fall being rapidly on the way. I wanted to eat lunch on the picnic tables over-looking the cove and begin to reflect back on all that I have learned from this first summer at Island Sail. I know I am tired and am looking forward to returning home to see my wife every day and sleep in my own bed every night. I also don't have to think much to know that the most valuable part of the part of the past summer has been the new friends I have made, the wonderful families, and the super kids I have I met, and the opportunity to help people grow a bit more. It really has been a splendid summer at Island Sail.
Saturday the weather slowed down our efforts to clean up and shut things down. The rain stayed until almost noon, but Karen and I were able to chip away at cleaning up in the boathouse and by noon an energetic crew arrived to help us with the heaving lifting and scrubbing that needed to be done. We had a wonderful wind to help dry washed sails and many hands to help carry and turn over boats for storage. By 4:00pm we had everything done except wrapping the boats that are stored outside.
I am sad in many ways to see the season come to close. It will seem strange to not welcome a group to the cove this Monday. This next week, I will be pressed to return to my schools and begin work for another year... teaching of a different sort. I'm looking forward to fall and with it will come a time to reflect and begin to plan for the 2008 Island Sail season. Thanks so much to all that have helped to make this past summer a great season at Island Sail... we look forward to seeing you again next year!
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